The World Of Duality | Spiritual Thrust

The World Of Duality | Spiritual Thrust

The World Of Duality

What is Duality?
Why this world is full of duality?
Is this world of duality, the TRUTH of our existence?

Lets first understand what is meant by duality.
If you closely observe your surroundings & analyze deeply to every situation that you face in your daily life & everyday choices that you make, you will realize that this world is full of duality.

Just like there maybe two sides of a coin but there is only one coin. Like this, for any situation in our life, there are 2 sides to it, such as Happiness & Sadness, right & Wrong, Yes & NO, True & False, Love & Hate & many others.

Do you understand, what I am trying to explain you?
Try to think over it, For any given situation in your life, you get only two choices. For example, either you can be happy for a particular situation or you will be sad.
In other words, things that appear as opposites, are in fact only two extremes of the same thing or situation.

Such is the world of duality we live in.

Now, why is this so, why this world is full of duality?
It is such, so that, the balance can be maintained in the world.

Duality teaches us that every aspect of life is created from a balanced interaction of opposite and competing forces. Yet these forces are not just opposites; they are complementary. They do not cancel out each other, they merely balance each other like the dual wings of a bird.

The Spiritual Law of Duality states that everything is on a continuum and has a complementary opposite within the whole. Just like if there negative qualities in someone, it has positives too to balance those negatives.

There is no man ever born, who has only positive qualities or only negative qualities.
Try to listen very carefully now. I said, that here is no man ever born, who has only positive qualities or only negative qualities.

What i mean to say is, that in a very basic sense, if we remove positive & negative, what remains is just the 'Qualities'.
Can you get it?. Just remove the 2 extremes of any situation, what will remain? Only the Situation remains.

So, basically, it is the limited identities formed by our mind, in reference of which we take our choices regarding any situation in our life.

To be very precise, it is our EGO or the identity that we have with any particular situation, decides which side we choose & this EGO is the biggest hindrance on the path of spirituality.

This duality is not the Truth of our existence, it is just because of the mind & ego & limited identities that we have formed over a very very long period of time.

To grow/rise on this path of spirituality one has to dissolve their EGO, their limited identity with this Body & the Mind. Only then the truth can be realized.

Truth is the non-dual, it is Eternal. It doesn't come & go, it is always there.

"What comes, will also go. What always is will alone remain."
- Ramana maharshi